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Masterpiece Turntable
Signature Turntable
MC Transformer
Timeless Tradition of Cultural History of Music  
Music, like the other arts, is a share of the human history and, therefore, belongs to our cultural heir. The technology of the sound recording enables us to store moments of this inheritance as a repertoire and make it available to the general public.

Unforgotten artistic presentations were recorded, for example in the middle of the last century. They are now retrievable any time again and are accessible to everybody.
Contemporaries can recall to themselves her recollections, music lovers of later generations have to learn the possibility of these artists still so.  
These treasures were recorded in analogous technology, delivers a wealth of information, and thus it is other obviously this technology on the reproduction side to cultivate.

It is worthwhile these products - in particular record player, tone arms and pickups - further to perfect.

Analogously a technology full of character with big potential – stills a reference and challenge for the digital music reproduction!


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